Blueprint Studio Pilot Overview

We’re offering a few *preneurs the opportunity to join us in this Blueprint studio pilot. Contact us if you are interested in participating. We'd love to hear about your vision!

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The Blueprint Launch Studio will guide *preneurs (entrepreneurs, sole-preneurs, serial-preneurs) through an agile process to create a business launch in an 18-week program that requires 2 hours of studio time per week.  In the studio, each *preneur will create and launch a product, service or plan that aligns with their goals. 

In preparation for the program, Blue Arroyo Partners will consult with each *preneur to scope a launch project that aligns with their vision and maintains a balanced lifestyle.

The studio program than brings the *preneurs together in a “launch circle” to share best practices with each other throughout the program. The program guides each *prenuer in setting attainable objectives to produce a product, service or plan to LAUNCH! using the Blue Arroyo Partners Launch Blueprint.

Each *preneur will create customer “user stories” to define the launch product and internal processes to achieve the launch objectives. These user stories will be built-out in six "3-week sprints" to quickly create something that will enable each *preneur in the circle to get feedback, make decisions and changes iteratively to achieve a successful launch. 

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